The F4U Corsair - Single Origin - Ethiopian
Coffee Specifications:
Origin: Ethiopian
Region: Sidamo (Grade 2)
Operator: Garden coffees produced by small holder farmers
Process: Fully washed and sundried
Altitude: 4920 ft - 7220 ft
Medium Roast
Flavour Notes:
Sweetness: Slight
Acidity: Pleasant
Bitterness: Medium
Body: Light
Aircraft Specifications:
F4U Corsair
Type: Fighter/Bomber
Date Introduced: 1944
Manufacturer: Chance Vought
Number Produced: 2,300+
Crew: 1 (Pilot)
Wingspan: 41 feet
Length: 34 feet
Maximum Speed: 453 miles per hour
Cruising Speed: 215 miles per hour
Maximum Range: 900 miles
Engine: Pratt & Whitney R-2800-18W (up to 2,450 hp)
Maximum Load: 4,000 pounds of bombs or eight 5-inch rockets
Armament: Six .50 caliber machine guns or four 20mm cannons
The Vought F4U Corsair is an American fighter aircraft which saw service primarily in World War II and the Korean War.